Your Voice

Gagan Modgil: Accessing Next Future after a pregnant pause of well-nigh over an year, for reasons one or the other, I was overjoyed and relieved (at having at one portal such a sumptuous feast) and thrilled and felt so grateful towards the so efficiently and adroitly managed and edited e-magazine; my Sunday evening was made luminous,- so,thank you and keep it up!

Beloo Mehra:  I must congratulate the entire team of Next Future who work so diligently and creatively to put together every issue. It is indeed a joy to go through the issue and soak in the beauty and inspiration of the higher ideals, thoughts, words and images that the e-magazine carries.

Dr. Anita Thakar: It is just like having a Satsang when I visit & explore this e-mag! Keep progressing!

Dr. Prabir De: I found this magazine extremely interesting, particularly the articles of Dr alok in Health section.How can I get all the writings of Dr alok?

(Editor: You have to simply write the subject of your interest in our SEARCH box and everything pertaining to it pops up. So in this case, please write Alok Pandey and all previously published articles by him will appear. In addition, he has written Death, Dying and Beyond which will be available online.)

Varsha Vora: It was really very heart-warming to go through the articles of India’s Independence in the Next Future. I feel so proud to be an Indian. I pray to Lord Sri Aurobindo and The Mother that may I be a worthy daughter of my mother-land…

Sankar: This type of work by Sri  Aurobindo Society is a splendid one in current social scenario. The followers of The Mother & The Master will be enlightened daily by reading and participating in sharing.

Dr Gagan Modgil: The new Next Future, in comparison to the rather plain and staid one of the old, is ‘smarter, more interesting and more creatively and intelligently crafted; its overall layout and design-structure is not only more modern and colourfully brilliant and interactive, but also, probably more useful to the readers.

Dr.K.S.Vasudevan: One of my favourite pages in the previous version of Next Future was the editorial page. I guess the new avatar of the Next Future website has no place for an editorial. But I am unable to locate the old editorials in the archives. Please correct me if I am wrong. Can I locate those old editorials in this website?

(Editor: The old editorials are under the main category called Inspiration and sub-category called Moments Winging By… New articles by the same author will continue to appear under this category.)

Abhinav Dwivedi: I am enjoying the new format, and the contents too! It will take a little time to get used to this format as it is rich and has many ways to navigate. The other format has its beauty in sheer simplicity and linearity.

Apurva: I am sad to see the re-designed Next Future. The whole feel of the original Next Future is lost. Every section of the original NF was so inspiring right from the editorial. The redesign does not feel coherent at all. Sorry to see the change and wish you could bring back the original NF.

(Editor: Hello Apurva, 

Thanks for writing so candidly.
I do agree that the old NF was beautiful, not only in design but sheer simplicity, but give the new format a fair chance and you may be surprised at its efficiency; the flexibility allowed by this format is absolutely wonderful and where we had just about lost a decade-worth of content, it has now been resurrected and made eternal in a sense. It is much wider in its scope for it allows readers to interact directly as well as share all that they like via various social networking channels. And I must add that the search engine applied in the new format admirably facilitates what could be considered as the ultimate objective of the site – easy access of information, words, thoughts, ideals. I do hope you will, in time, grow to like and enjoy our new offering.)
Harsha Dalal: To be positive you have to be essentially spiritual. Exploring the wide wealth of literature offered by the Next Future one’s whole being has started undergoing a conscious metamorphis heading towards a more and more deeper understanding of life in all its infinite variety.A beautiful platform and endeavour for uplifting the world in every way.


Dr. K.S.Vasudevan: After waiting for three months for Next Future, I got my bounty! It is lovely, and I am still not done with this issue. Captivating, it is bound to attract new readers, I hope. About the contents, certainly there is a satisfactory progressive movement, and I like what I see and mostly love what I read.

Arvind: The all-new look and elements are just superb! Congrats!

Harsha Dalal: Great to once again browse through the inspiring articles in the Next Future. Indeed it reminds me of these lines in Savitri –
One lucent corner windowing hidden things
Forced the world’s blind immensity to sight.”

Arup: The new format of Next Future is excellent! The archival materials are indeed a treasure trove. It was a joy going through it.

Amod Kumar: The ‘ Next Future ‘ magazine has been gracefully designed as it should have been. We were just waiting & I am confident that now and in next future it shall prove itself to be a very power tool for self knowledge.

Varsha Vora: I am sure that with Mother’s Grace this new phase of Next Future will enlighten all of us more and more.

Shreyas: Congratulations for the beautiful design, format and functionality, which not only make browsing and searching  practical and easy, but also creates sufficient interest to encourage one to browse through the wide range offered.