Friends Forever
0Speaking about best friends the other day, it brought about the question of what the role of a best friend […]
Speaking about best friends the other day, it brought about the question of what the role of a best friend […]
Have you ever experienced that moment of frustration when it seems as if God, your best buddy, your travelling companion, […]
I had to go shopping for a pair of shoes recently. I live in Pondicherry which hasn’t got enough stores […]
Book: Education: Philosophy and Practice (Articles by various authors) (Publisher: Decent Books, New Delhi, in association with Centre for Sri […]
I have met a number of artistes, painters, actors, writers in the course of my life and found many stereotypes […]
I have been trying to understand what causes disappointment – not in the world at large or for humanity in […]
A rather pleasant surprise came my way recently. It seems I have a ‘fan’ – not the kind that rotates […]
1857 The Real Story of the Great Uprising by Vishnu Bhatt Godshe Versaikar & Translated by Mrinal Pande 1857 The […]
When the dastardly incident involving a 23 year old female student in Delhi took place in December of 2011, there […]
On 26th January 1950, India became a Republic with a revised Constitution and a confident claim to Democracy. Declared as […]
A friend mentioned how she had enjoyed the process of kneading dough and then watching it rise, becoming this wonderful […]
How little we understand the way the physical world works and so when it comes to the world that remains […]
“If you aren’t prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original.”
Each page would be an eye-opener for many of us who know the word innovation but have rarely chanced upon it and yet, here it was in full form, in practically every field of human activity.